Kia ora, I'm Jordan

I'm a developer interested in music, productivity and self-improvement. I enjoy working across all aspects of product development - from 0 to 100, real quick. I believe that a deeper understanding of the stack allows me to craft higher quality and more robust solutions. I love that one can never know too much about technology. There is always an opportunity to continue expanding and applying my knowledge base. This is a zone to share Internet-powered/related projects.

BuildPipeline is an AWS-powered serverless build, test and deploy pipeline ft. multiple environments (test and production).

Scope is a Facebook Messenger bot that identifies songs from lyrics/titles. Powered by AWS Lex and Lambda.

Scratchpad is an organized repository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information you come across during your quest through life.

Insights, visualizations and recommendations derived from your Spotify library. Powered by React, Redux and Redux-saga.

Combines React (ft. hooks), Redux, Redux-saga and TypeScript with Auth0 as a starting point for modern web apps with solid authentication.

API powered by Serverless, TypeScript, Webpack and DynamoDB, intended as a starting point for Serverless APIs.

Discogs Wantlist Monitor

Saves manually searching through your Discogs wantlist for local listings

Terraform ECS Demo

AWS ECS cluster with instance and service autoscaling configured and running behind an ALB with path based routing set up.

Under Development

Check back soon.

"Everyday, bro, we've gotta stay battling, gotta stay fighting, gotta stay striving, gotta stay dreaming, gotta stay believing, gotta stay scheming..."

© Jordan Hornblow 2024